
Life can feel confusing and hard, and no one knows this better than adolescents, young adults, and the families who love and support them.  Painful, intense emotions; urges to engage in impulsive behaviors; navigating social situations and the stress of school; difficulty communicating and getting along with parents; the politics of Instagram and Snapchat; and on and on and on.

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The apparent instability of adolescence offers both challenge and opportunity.

Therapy can support young people and their families to harness the chaotic yet formative nature of this time as a catalyst for lasting wellness and growth:

Explore and form one’s sense of self and identity; develop effective coping strategies for life’s stressors, practice interpersonal relationship, heal wounds and trauma, become curious about one’s experience.  


Got questions?

Are you resonating with all of this, but not sure where to start?  Send us a message and we’ll get back to you.

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