Posts tagged bridechilla
The Bridechilla: Why It's Hard for Some Brides to Ask for What They Want

The Bridechilla is the bride-to-be who feels compelled to act like the cool, chill bride, despite having feelings and desires that are anything but cool and chill. It’s painful to be a Bridechilla—the origins of this tendency are very tender and very old, both societal and personal. On a macro level, the cultural conditioning around what it traditionally means to be a woman demands that we renounce our individual desires and needs for the good of the greater whole. We must sacrifice. We must be selfless. We must not step on toes. We must shut up, smile and look pretty.

If this description is resonating with you, know that there is nothing wrong with being a Bridechilla. Know that if you identify with this, this capacity you’ve developed for scanning your environment to intuit and meet the needs of others is actually a sophisticated way to safeguard your own safety and well-being. Head to our newest blog post (link in bio) to learn more about the bridechilla and a helpful journal prompt!

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