Posts tagged coronavirus
Talking to Parents about Difficult Things

Oftentimes as we grow up and become adults, the parent-child roles change as we become more independent and make our own decisions. With difficult issues like the pandemic (and trying to plan a wedding during it!) and the upcoming election at our forefront, disagreements with parents and other family can seem inevitable—but through communication and setting boundaries, tough conversations can feel a little less scary. Here are some tips for navigating family disagreements and heated convos.

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The Emotional Toll of Coronavirus Weddings: Feel, Grieve, Tune In and Get Decisive

Cancelled bachelorette parties. (Replaced with Zoom happy hour in which all friends are donning matching tanks? Cute but sad.) Virtual wedding dress shopping. (Umm, who takes your measurements? Unclear. Where do I find a measuring tape?) And postponed weddings... The Coronavirus pandemic has destroyed the best laid plans, wedding plans included. How can “nearlyweds” process how this global trauma has impacted their plans, hopes and dreams for their long-awaited wedding day? The key lies in allowing yourself the space to grieve fully, and then connecting with yourself deeply in order to get really clear about your priorities.

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